Уровень пользователя - даже не дошёл до массивов в C#, не помнит ничего о программировании.
В тексте скрипта, вроде, нет ничего такого. Прога не висит в автозапуске, но компьютер помнит, что должен кидать в буфер текст, выделенный курсором.
Текст скрипта:
;Auto copy clipboard
TimeButtonDown = %A_TickCount%
; Wait for it to be released
GetKeyState, LshiftState, Lshift, P
if LshiftState = U ; Button has been released.
elapsed -= %TimeButtonDown%
if elapsed > 200 ; Button was held down long enough
Sleep 20 ; yield time to others
GetKeyState keystate, Lshift
if (x-x0 > 5 or x-x0 < -5 or y-y0 > 5 or y-y0 < -5)
clip0 := ClipBoardAll ; save old clipboard
Send ^c ; selection -> clipboard
ClipWait 1, 1 ; restore clipboard if no data
IfEqual ClipBoard,, SetEnv ClipBoard, %clip0%
TimeButtonDown = %A_TickCount%
; Wait for it to be released
GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
if LButtonState = U ; Button has been released.
elapsed -= %TimeButtonDown%
if elapsed > 200 ; Button was held down too long, so assume it's not a double-click.
MouseGetPos x0, y0 ; save start mouse position
Sleep 20 ; yield time to others
GetKeyState keystate, LButton
MouseGetPos x, y ; position when button released
if (x-x0 > 5 or x-x0 < -5 or y-y0 > 5 or y-y0 < -5)
clip0 := ClipBoardAll ; save old clipboard
Send ^c ; selection -> clipboard
ClipWait 1, 1 ; restore clipboard if no data
IfEqual ClipBoard,, SetEnv ClipBoard, %clip0%
; Otherwise, button was released quickly enough. Wait to see if it's a double-click:
TimeButtonUp = %A_TickCount%
GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
if LButtonState = D ; Button has been pressed down again.
elapsed -= %TimeButtonUp%
if elapsed > 350 ; No click has occurred within the allowed time, so assume it's not a double-click.
; Since above didn't return, it's a double-click: