Это плохой английский, простите, но как смог. I need help, not money

My disease.

body weight from 89 kg...changed to 61 kg net

From cytokine storm to convalescence, and rehabilitation. 3 weeks of lung pain, the lungs ached and burned for 3 weeks.

I was going to die already. I've come to terms with it.

I was not accepted by medical care because I was young, other people needed help, I thought so...

of course I wanted to live, my son is not even 5 years old and he needs medical help, but I can't do anything. even money or staying close. Sorry, I`m loved you, but...I'll try, you know.

you can't get close, it's bad for them. It's better not to come, at a distance, I'm sorry


Психология | Psychology

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