Мать Волков | Stable Diffusion | Ai | SDXL

Мать Волков | Stable Diffusion | Ai | SDXL Stable Diffusion, Арт, Длиннопост, Нейронные сети, Арты нейросетей, Game Art, 2D, Женщины, Волк, Матерь

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(full body:1.9) (in full growth:2.0) Creative Flyer Design

a woman sitting on top of a pile of wolf, female anthropomorphic wolf, dark and horror style, artwork in the style of guweiz, harley quinn standing, curly white hair, snarling dog teeth, holo is a wolf girl, by Dong Yuan, panel of black, prisoner, punk

((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), detailed soft oil painting, detailed background, dramatic cinematic lighting, soft edge lighting, professional, dramatic lighting, hard edge lighting,

ultra quality, 4k,(masteriece, best quality, 8k, ultra highres, highres:1.4), extremely detailed <lora:add-detail-xl:0.7> <lora:FaeTastic:0.3> <lora:offset_0.2:0.5>

Negative prompt: cartoon,anime, sketches, (worst quality:2), duplicate, (low quality:2), (normal quality:2),text,word,username,watermark,logo, lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, bad anatomy, over saturated

Steps: 30, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 4123878116, Size: 1024x768, Model hash: d248c4c7c2, Model: NewDreamSDXLV8, VAE hash: 15e96204c9, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, Lora hashes: "add-detail-xl: 9c783c8ce46c, FaeTastic: d79fac33fc12, offset_0.2: 8e3e833226b3", Version: v1.4.0-310-g68f336bd

Stable Diffusion

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