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Gift Hidden Underground

Digging of young grape seedlings after winter.

Universal Manual Tillage Device

This is a very simple and convenient device used for loosening the soil and pulling the weeds.

Amazing Adventures of Cute Inhabitants of our Homestead

Unexpected meeting on a walk......

Primitive Technology - Amazing Way to Plant Potatoe

There are many different ways to plant potatoes. Look at one of them in our video.

Amazing Storks Came to Help Tractor to Cultivate the Ground

Sometimes beautiful white birds become helpers in agriculture.

Right after the cultivation storks came to gather the different insects and plants pests. They help to clean the ground without using any chemicals.

Using Walk-behind Tractor for Land Cultivation

Using Walk-behind Tractor for Land Cultivation

Baby Duck Hatching | Egg Hatching

This video shows a cute little duckling hatching from an egg.

How to Make Drip Watering from a Bottle. Everything Ingenious is Simple

In this video we will show how at home it is very simple and effective to solve the problem with watering the plantings

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