Russian stocks are awesome! Warren Buffet projects a 26% return! Why are so many Russians to skeptical about their own stock market?

In this video, I talk about how you can literally retire in Russia in less than 10 years.

Russian stocks are awesome! Warren Buffet projects a 26% return! Why are so many Russians to skeptical about their own stock market? Опрос, Английский язык, Иностранные языки, Видео, Без перевода, Изучаем английский, Акции, Фондовый рынок

The dividend yields in this country are incredible.

The Warren Buffet Indicator's evaluations and projections show that Russia is the best performing market in the world.

I've lived in Russia for about ten years, and you can't pay me to go back to the United States. It's really awesome here. Given how attractive Russian stocks are, can any of you tell me why ordinary Russians are so skeptical about their own stock market?

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