Hello everyone, I speak more than 5 languages

Hello everyone, I speak 5 languages at a native level - French, English, Spanish, Turkish, Moroccan, Arabic and Italian. I would be happy to offer assistance in translating into Russian.

How did I learn all these languages? I began to systematically educate myself in all languages by following a self-study program with the help of audiobooks. In addition, I use other methods such as extensive translation and communication with a large number of foreigners. Now I live in Russia and study Russian at VSU. You can ask me anything.

Hello everyone, I speak more than 5 languages at a native level - French, English, Spanish, Turkish, Moroccan, Arabic and Italian. I would be happy to offer assistance in translating into Russian/English.

How did I learn all these languages? I began to systematically educate myself in all languages by following a self-study program with the help of audiobooks. In addition, I use other methods such as extensive translation and communication with a large number of foreigners. Now I live in Russia and study Russian at VSU. You can ask me anything.

Лига Полиглотов

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1. В постах указываем теги "ИнЯз" и "fl". Так же указываем в тегах название соответствующего языка.

2. Неадекватные, излишне агрессивные и хейтящие личности получают по попе банхаммером. Первый раз временно, в случае рецидива - пожизненно.

3. Мат, как существенная и прекрасная часть любого языка, дозволен, если не направлен на оскорбление присутствующих и отсутствующих пикабушников.