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Cейчас происходят наверное самые глобальные протесты в истории. Не самые крупные в истории, но самые глобальные. Скорее всего, большинство людей, которые получают новости только по основному телевидению или главной прессе, ничего не знают о том, что происходит. Интересная подборка от этого автора.

As one of the key cities that started the anti-lockdown movement, Genova takes to the streets today to join the tens of millions protesting around the world. pic.twitter.com/OJkXBYR3gl

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Tbilisi, Georgia stands up with the world today. pic.twitter.com/2LpIqtJ1uk

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

“No vaxx passports! No vaxx passports!”

London. pic.twitter.com/MdapqTcD7d

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Today, Vancouver joins the global movement for freedom. pic.twitter.com/7LPDD5UJnS

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Melbourne rises with the rest of the world today. pic.twitter.com/hul4VDJlHa

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Can you believe the media ignores this scene from Melbourne?

Protests today to end COVID law. pic.twitter.com/lHOu1BLAtJ

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Northern Ireland stands up and is counted.

From today. pic.twitter.com/j8cXhENpTc

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Switzerland protests tonight against medical discrimination. pic.twitter.com/8hLrkSrEf5

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Zurich rises today in force to stop medical segregation and to recall COVID emergency powers. pic.twitter.com/Ovm1zYkAYE

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Austria takes a strategy from the Australian police handbook on how to deal with COVID.

From Vienna tonight. pic.twitter.com/VCIVRFkLKi

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

~100,000 Austrians chant, “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!” pic.twitter.com/IfELFaMTGj

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”

From Vienna today👇🏼pic.twitter.com/EmBrr72uTh

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Austria enters full lockdown tomorrow. Here is what the streets look like.

Linz today. pic.twitter.com/UvKtFrLVZP

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

New Zealand showed up for today’s global protest.

From today👇🏼pic.twitter.com/LqYtyJFvtl

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Budapest joins the global protest today against COVID mandates. pic.twitter.com/qdIai3Bjs1

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

From today in New York City, anti-mandate protestors march. pic.twitter.com/DpqS85gh1h

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

New York joins the global rally to end COVID law. pic.twitter.com/GHbCjFa3JG

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Croatia lights up the night and demands an end to COVID tyrants. Freedom! pic.twitter.com/7Sxj2IIyhQ

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Croatia lights up the night and demands an end to COVID tyrants. Freedom! pic.twitter.com/7Sxj2IIyhQ

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Wow! Croatia turns out in stunning force to stop medical segregation. They demand an end to the “new normal”. pic.twitter.com/haJU4shruJ

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Croatians come out in astonishing numbers today to call for an end to the COVID panic and authoritarianism. pic.twitter.com/MOMZ7pBpWK

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

After riots and protests all night in Rotterdam, the Dutch return to the streets today in the capital.

Amsterdam today. pic.twitter.com/z1TH7o5qUe

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Canada joins the global protest today. A massive turnout in Toronto. pic.twitter.com/lVTan3nrTv

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 21, 2021

Denmark stands up with the rest of Europe tonight to call for an end to lockdowns and mandates. pic.twitter.com/dlVmI7aqTC

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Norway issues a vaxx pass yet cases are still rising. The people have had enough.

Oslo tonight. pic.twitter.com/mwSHyBYpXe

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Finland joins the global protest today. One of the first major protests in Finland against COVID tyranny. pic.twitter.com/Zjd1Cla7Uq

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Protestors in Manchester today take over the streets to roll back COVID emergency powers still in place after two years.


— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Italians ignore police orders and take over the streets tonight in Milan. pic.twitter.com/2tvNhAlAjP

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Holy smokes! Rome today 👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/EVyimoW2qW

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Turin, Italy this week protesting for an end to the green pass. pic.twitter.com/Nf1XCCnbe1

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 19, 2021

Florence tonight resists the end of free Italy. pic.twitter.com/tRkoFEe5oU

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 15, 2021

Naples continues to resist the new normal. pic.twitter.com/zFV9bWfo4G

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 19, 2021

An amazing image from Perth calling for an end to the new medical police state. pic.twitter.com/iU8cnll8U3

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

An amazing scene in Perth today as tens of thousands of protestors gather to stop the destruction of their free country. pic.twitter.com/qza1rHAjeQ

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

Brisbane marches today to end Australia’s drift back towards a police state. pic.twitter.com/oOjCaeQTCj

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 17, 2021

The French police lose control of anti-government and anti-mandate protestors in Paris today. pic.twitter.com/e3YYpMDXb5

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

From Paris today, an endless stream of anti-mandate and pro-liberty protestors. pic.twitter.com/Ftw5mNCUOL

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

An amazing protest in Nice, France today against COVID law. pic.twitter.com/6XKLCTYoWd

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 20, 2021

A massive protest in Montpellier, France yesterday against COVID mandates.pic.twitter.com/Q4x2X9B2ME

— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) November 14, 2021


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