Nationalities of Europe: the Scots

Scotland is a country located in the northern part of the United Kingdom. Its population is around 5.5 million people, with many living in the major cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh. The official language of Scotland is English, but many people also speak Scots and Scottish Gaelic. Scotland is known for its beautiful landscapes, including mountains, lochs, and rugged coastline. Interesting facts about Scotland include that it is the birthplace of golf, the home of the famous Loch Ness monster, and the origin of many famous inventions like the telephone and penicillin. The Scottish people have a long history of struggle for independence, with many famous figures like William Wallace and Robert the Bruce leading the fight against English rule. Today, the Scots remains a proud nationality, struggling for freedom and celebrating their unique heritage and traditions.

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Nationalities of Europe: the Scots Английский язык, Шотландия, Урок, Иностранные языки, Преподаватель, Образование, Учеба, Экзамен


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