Сказка про Колобка на английском

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Kolobok & Co. 🙂

Once upon a time there lived an old man with his wife. And one day the old man asked:

— Hey, old woman, would you be so kind as to bake a cake?

— From what? There's no flour!

— Well, let's scrape out of nooks and roll it up from foods, and we'll manage to procure some.

And so they did. And they looked and cooked, and baked a cake, and called it Kolobok.

(Actually, it was perfectly round, as round as a ball. And what would you call it, if it had no legs at all?)

This very Kolobok was left by the open window for a little cool. He was lying and lying, but soon he got tired of lying there, so suddenly jumped he out of window, — and out of yard, — and rolled to find adventures.

By some curious chance did Kolobok meet the Rabbit 🐰, and it happened in those ancient times, when the Rabbits were numerous and not so stupid as nowadays. The Rabbit said:

— Whoa, whoa, freeze at once, Kolobok! I gonna eat you!

— Don't eat me, Mr. Squint-eyed Rabbit. Listen to my song:

🎵 I'm scraped out of nooks,

I'm rolled out of foods,

Sour cream is my blood,

Slightly burnt is my butt.

And I left my grandpa,

And I left my grandma,

And to escape you is a piece of cake! 🍰

Sang he and went on rolling. Only the tail saw the Rabbit.

Kolobok was rolling and rolling, till he approached the Wolf 🐕

— I gonna eat you, Kolobok! — said the Wolf.

— Don't eat me, evil gray Wolf. I'll sing my song:

🎵 I'm scraped out of nooks,

I'm rolled out of foods,

Sour cream is my blood,

Slightly burnt is my butt.

And I left my grandpa,

And I left my grandma,

And I left the stupid Rabbit,

And to escape you, Wolf, is a piece of cake! 🍰

And on & on rolled he then. Only his toes saw the Wolf.

Kolobok was rolling and rolling, and — bang! — did he notice the Bear 🐻

— Oh, I'm having Kolobok for dinner today! — said the Bear.

— Not so fast, you pigeon-toed guy:

🎵 I'm scraped out of nooks,

I'm rolled out of foods,

Sour cream is my blood,

Slightly burnt is my butt.

And I left my grandpa,

And I left my grandma,

And I left the stupid Rabbit,

As well as the skinny Wolf,

And to escape you, my Bear, is a piece of cake! 🍰

And he rolled away again. Only his neck saw the Bear.

The last person he met was the Sly Fox 🦊

— Good afternoon, Kolobok! You are so beautiful!

And Kolobok started his song again.

— What a sweet song! — said the Fox. — But I'm so old, my eyes don't see, my ears don't hear; why don't you sit on my snout & sing an encore?

And he jumped up to the Fox's mug and sang his song.

— Thanks a lot, my dear friend! What a song! I'd like to hear it once more. Pray, sit on my tongue and sing it again.

And foolishly jumped he on the Fox's tongue, and the Fox — gulp! — swallowed that stupid cake.