Упражнения и тестирование английского языка сгенерированные в сервисе ChadGPT для уровня B1

Упражнения и тестирование английского языка сгенерированные в сервисе ChadGPT для уровня B1 Нейронные сети, ChatGPT, Английский язык, Изучаем английский, Чат-бот, Длиннопост

Получил промокод на 10000 слов, решил попробовать, т.к. сейчас изучаю английский.
Можно указать, чтобы получать описание задачи на русском или английском, возможно и на других языках тоже.
На русском иногда пишет коряво.

Проверь мой уровень знания английского, какому уровню от a1 до b2 он соответсвует. Комментарии давай на русском языке.

Конечно, я могу проверить ваш уровень знания английского. Пожалуйста, ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Какой язык вы говорите на родине?

2. Как долго вы изучаете английский?

3. Какую практику использования английского вы имеете (например, чтение, письмо, разговорная практика)?

Ответьте на эти вопросы, и я смогу оценить ваш уровень знания английского и дать вам комментарии на русском языке.

Проверочные тексты с использованными ответми проверяет адекватно, указывает на ошибки, показывает правильные ответы.


Собственно тесты и упражнения:

Exercise 1: Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the word bank below:

celebrate - enthusiastic - opportunity - appreciate - significant

  1. We gathered with our friends and family to ________ my grandmother's 80th birthday.

  1. Sarah is always ________ about learning new languages.

  1. I want to take this ________ to thank everyone for their support.

  1. The team's victory in the championship is a ________ achievement.

  1. I ________ your help in completing this project on time.

Exercise 2: Grammar

Choose the correct verb tense to complete the sentences:

  1. She ________ (study / studied) English for three years.

  1. We ________ (will go / went) to the beach last weekend.

  1. By the time he arrives, she ________ (will finish / finishes) her presentation.

  1. They ________ (have been / were) living in London when they met.

  1. I ________ (am going / will go) to the concert tomorrow evening.

Exercise 3: Speaking

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. What is your favorite hobby, and why?

  1. Describe a memorable travel experience you have had.

  1. What do you think is the most important quality in a friend?

  1. How do you usually spend your weekends?

  1. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and why?

Please take your time to complete these exercises, and let me know when you're ready for me to check your answers.

1. Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами в правильной форме:

a) I ________ (visit) my grandparents every weekend.

b) She ________ (study) French for two years.

c) They ________ (not see) each other since they were kids.

d) We ________ (not eat) sushi before, so it was a new experience.

e) He ________ (not start) the project yet.

  1. Выберите правильное местоимение, чтобы завершить предложение:

a) I saw ________ at the mall yesterday.

1) her

2) she

b) Could you give ________ the book, please?

1) me

2) mine

c) The concert was amazing. ________ had a great time.

1) We all

2) They all

  1. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи:

a) Tom said, "I am studying for the exam."

b) She told me, "I will call you later."

c) He said, "I can't come to the party."

  1. Заполните пропуски артиклями (a, an, the) или оставьте пропуск, если артикль не требуется:

a) Can you pass me ________ salt, please?

b) I need to buy ________ new phone.

c) She is ________ doctor.

d) He has ________ interesting book.

  1. Выберите правильную форму сравнения для прилагательных:

a) He is ________ (tall) person in our family.

1) the tallest

2) taller

3) more tall

b) This is ________ (difficult) task I've ever done.

1) the most difficult

2) more difficult

3) difficult

Надеюсь, эти задания пройдут вам по пути к совершенствованию грамматических навыков на уровне B1!

Вот 10 грамматических тестов и 5 текстов для определения уровня словарного запаса на уровне B1 английского языка:

Грамматические тесты:

  1. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

I _________ to the gym three times a week.

a) go

b) goes

c) am going

d) is going

  1. Choose the correct past tense form of the verb:

She _________ to London last year.

a) fly

b) flew

c) flied

d) flown

  1. Choose the correct form of the causative verb to complete the sentence:

He _________ his car repaired yesterday.

a) had

b) has

c) have

d) is having

  1. Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence:

The book _________ I borrowed from the library was very interesting.

a) who

b) which

c) whom

d) whose

  1. Select the correct form of the adverb to complete the sentence:

She speaks English _________.

a) good

b) well

c) better

d) best

  1. Choose the correct form of the future tense to complete the sentence:

We _________ a new movie tomorrow.

a) will watch

b) watches

c) watched

d) have watched

  1. Select the correct modal verb to complete the sentence:

You _________ see a doctor if you're not feeling well.

a) can

b) may

c) must

d) should

  1. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:

I'm interested _________ learning a new language.

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) by

  1. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the question:

_________ you born in this city?

a) Did

b) Have

c) Are

d) Is

  1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They _________ for the bus when it started raining.

a) were waiting

b) is waiting

c) are waiting

d) have waited

Тексты для определения словарного запаса:

Текст 1:

I enjoy hiking in the mountains. It's a great way to connect with nature and get some exercise. Last weekend, I went on a hike with my friends. We packed some sandwiches and water in our backpacks and set off early in the morning. The trail was steep, but the view from the top was breathtaking. We stopped to take photos and enjoy the scenery. After a few hours of hiking, we reached a beautiful waterfall. We sat down and had our lunch next to the waterfall, listening to the sound of water rushing down. It was a wonderful experience.

Текст 2:

I have always been interested in history. I find it fascinating to learn about the past and how it has shaped the world we live in today. Last week, I visited a historical museum in my city. It was filled with artifacts and exhibits that showcased different periods of history. I saw ancient pottery, weapons from wars, and even a preserved mummy. The museum had interactive displays where you could learn about historical events and try on costumes from different eras. I spent hours exploring the museum and reading the descriptions of each exhibit. It was a truly educational and enriching experience.

Текст 3:

I love cooking and trying out new recipes. Last night, I made a delicious pasta dish for dinner. I chopped onions, garlic, and tomatoes, and sautéed them in olive oil. Then, I added some spices and herbs to give the sauce a rich flavor. I cooked the pasta until it was al dente and mixed it with the sauce. To finish off the dish, I grated some Parmesan cheese on top. The result was a flavorful and comforting meal that my family enjoyed. Cooking is a creative process for me, and I love experimenting with different ingredients to create new dishes.

Текст 4:

I am passionate about photography. I enjoy capturing moments and telling stories through my photographs. Last weekend, I went for a photo walk in the city. I wandered through the streets, observing people, buildings, and landscapes. I took photos of interesting architecture, colorful street art, and candid portraits of strangers. Each photo told a different story and captured a unique moment in time. Photography allows me to see the world in a different way and express my creativity. It's a hobby that brings me joy and allows me to connect with others who share the same passion.

Текст 5:

Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. It opens up new horizons and allows me to experience different cultures and traditions. Last summer, I went on a backpacking trip through Europe. I visited several countries, including France, Italy, and Spain. I explored famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. I tried local cuisines, learned a few words in different languages, and made new friends along the way. Traveling broadens my perspective and teaches me valuable life lessons. It's an adventure that I will always cherish.

Надеюсь, эти грамматические тесты и тексты помогут вам проверить и развить свои знания английского языка на уровне B1. Успехов в изучении!


В качесте тренировочных заданий вполне годно.
Жаль, что нет возможности голосового общения.

Но вполне можно пользоваться за скромную плату без ВПН и прочего.

Картинки тоже генерит, но пока не пробовал, т.к. не очень интересуюсь.