Продолжение поста «Сегодня воскресенье!»

I was must go to subwork at 8 am today.
I Set two alarms, 5 and 6 am, as usually to not oversleep.
I oversleeped. Woken up 6:30, not have breakfast time, I'm moving towards subway. Loginned VK (social), and wonder why nobody confirm he'll come today's work. Feeling something is bad, I scroll up and read vacancy again:

Who is ready to go to work on monday?
8-11 a.m.
600 rub?"

I openned status bar, the now is Sunday
Passing by subway, I get KFC breakfast, then stomach ached
Now I'll go home and sleep again.
Yeah now!
I Remembered I must go another subwork 12 p.m. today
I sit and think what to do at these 4 hours
I think to laundry
And now is Sunday

Лига Тупых

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В посте говорится про Лигу - ставится тег Лига тупых. Говорится про то, как кто-то затупил - ставится тег "Тупость". ЗАПОМНИТЕ!!!

1. Посты не перетаскиваем без согласия ТСа
2. Не умничать - тут пермач сразу
3. Общаемся без оскорблений, уважайте друг друга
4. Не забываем