I am writing a story for learning English

Many people recommend writing a diary in the target language. But I don't like to write about myself. Therefore, I want to try to write a story about a character in a fantasy world. I will write in my native language, that is, Russian, and then translate into Polish and English. I will use DnD rules to make decisions. So no one knows how these adventures will develop, but if you want to suggest your own storyline event, then write in the comments and I will try to describe it.

My name is Gril Rovez, I am a hereditary blacksmith, my father was a blacksmith, my grandfather was a blacksmith and my great-grandfather was also a blacksmith. All I remember about myself is working as a blacksmith in this small village. In the morning I get up with the first roosters, cook and eat a simple one tomorrow and go to the smithy. There is always enough work. The tools of the villagers, the weapons of the guards and travelers passing through the village. All this needs to be repaired, and sometimes reforged. Day after day, year after year. It has always been this way, but today, when I woke up, I realized that I had never even thought about why I was doing all this? I looked out the window, there in the garden butterflies flew from flower to flower. Have I ever seen them before? No, of course I saw them, but was I aware of it?

I am writing a story for learning English Английский язык, Изучаем английский, Авторский рассказ, Фантастический рассказ, Длиннопост

Dressing quickly, Gril went out into the courtyard. His whole essence seemed to be screaming about the wrongness of what was happening, like a magnet drawn to return, to go to the kitchen to cook breakfast, to make everything return to its place. But he made another effort on himself and went out the gate into the village street.

The gray horse slowly rolls the cart along the densely damped road. In a neighboring yard, a woman is carrying buckets of water.
- Probably will also cook breakfast - thought Greg - But why "too"? After all, I can not cook? Can't I?

I am writing a story for learning English Английский язык, Изучаем английский, Авторский рассказ, Фантастический рассказ, Длиннопост

And overcoming inexplicable resistance, he went to the center of the village. Everywhere people worked, no one paid attention to him, as if they also felt this "wrong".


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