Spiritbox - Circle With Me

Запись голоса Courtney LaPlante в студии


========== ТЕКСТ ==========

Feel the weight of a martyr

It could all be yours

Cut down the altar

Visionaire and deepest fake

Dirty gold, the colours change

Hands are frozen, feel no pain

I just want to hold the flame

Negative feedback loop

I’m spinning out of control

The sickly sweetness is crushing me

But I want to know

If there’s no heat when I escalate the fire is cold

They echo: This could all be yours

Feel the weight of a martyr

It could all be yours if you echo birds of prey

Traitor cut down the altar

It could all be yours

Vultures circling the flame

Nothing sacred, nothing lost

When birds of prey invade my thoughts

They promise I will feel the pain

Not strong enough to hold the flame

Negative feedback loop

I’m spinning out of control

The sickly sweetness is crushing me

But I want to know

If there’s no heat when I escalate the fire is cold

They echo: This could all be yours

Feel the weight of a martyr

It could all be yours if you echo birds of prey

Traitor cut down the altar

It could all be yours

Vultures circling the flame

I held the power of a dying sun

I climb the altar and I claim my place as God

Circle with me

Circle with me

This could all be yours

Feel the weight of a martyr

It could all be yours if you echo birds of prey

Traitor cut down the altar

It could all be yours

Vultures circling the flame

Feel the weight of a martyr

A traitor watching me as birds of prey never falter

This could all be yours

This could all be yours

Circle with me

Лига метал-музыки

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