Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android)

Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост

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Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
▻ Ключевые особенности "Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion"

New Planets, Armors, Weapons, Creatures, Overhauls, and MORE...

165 New Quests!

29 New Playable Races

Arkanian, Cathar, Chagrian, Chiss, Coruscanti, Droid, Duros, Ewok, Gammorean, Gran, Gungan, Ithorian, Jawa, Kel Dor, Lothalite, Mandalorian, Miraluka, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, Rodian, Sand Person, Selkath, Sith Pureblood, Tarisian, Togruta, Twi’lek, Wookie, and Zabrak.

Along with their own racial attributes, powers and abilities.

Over 150 New Weapons

Including; Blasters, Grenades, Vibroblades, Double-bladed Vibroblades, Staffs, Blaster Pistols, Lightsabers and more.

Tons of new armors and clothing tiered along with their relevant weapon sets.

New Massive Lands

Journey across the dune sea of Tatooine, through the multiple jungle levels of Kashyyyk, the beautiful Ahto City and vast ocean of Manaan, the bustling metropolis of Nar Shaddaa, the dangers of Korriban, the peacefulness of Dantooine, the frozen wasteland of Hoth, the mysterious swamp of Dathomir, the ruins of Taris, the Oasis of Gamorr, and the Civil Unrest in Serenno.

Travel Through Space

Aquire your very own Freighter and venture into space, traveling to the planets in your own ship, fighting pirates, looting cargo, mining asteroids and comets, or exploring areas only accessible by space travel!

New Minigames

Race through the multiple obstacle course challenges testing your characters skills and attributes as well as your ability to manuever through dangerous and moving obstacles. Playable Pazaak, Chance Dice, and a version of Dejarik, all interactible cantina minigames!

New Main Storyline; Delve into a brand new lore-friendly storyline set in the same hours as Revan and his crew make their journey to find the star forges, you and your crew embark on a mission to find the source of the dangerous Terentateks.


The mount system has been overhauled and is unique to Starwind, enter a different playstyle while riding on a mount and use their active ability, along with passives in the first person perspective of riding the vehicle/creature.

Many with multiple endings, different rewards, and routes that lead to entirely different cells and dungeons, meaning replayability can be different everytime and the ability to roleplay your character, whether it be good, neutral, or evil.

New Factions

Join the Hunter's Federation, the Republic Fleet or Sith Fleet, The Galactic Bartender's Guild, the Hutt Cartel, and even the hidden GenoHaradan.

Followers and Companions

Plenty of followers to join your party including; a T3 Droid, a Sand Person warrior, an Arkanian grey jedi, a Zabrak dark jedi, a mysterious Jawa, a questionable Rakghoul, a Human mercenary, and a commando of whichever naval fleet you join (Republic or Sith), and a gangster from the Hutt Cartel, as well as multiple pets found throughout the planets.

New Spells

Launch kinetic energy with new effects and spells such as Force Push!

Abundance of Lore

All datapads in Starwind level one of your skills and contain a ton of lore both new and existing Star Wars Legends lore.

Collectibles and Tons of Hidden Easter Eggs

Tons of easter eggs and collectible items to stash within your home or hideout. Can you collect all the Gizka in Starwind? Find the hidden Baby Bantha, Frogzard, or Iago? Find the Fenelar Armor spread throughout the galaxy? Or aquire the holocrons from each planet.

▻ О Сборке
За основу для сборки взято 3х дисковое издание от 1С, установлены все возможные фиксы и твики на производительность, интегрирован глобальный мод Starwind Remastered, а так же дополнения Starwind Endor и Starwind Enhanced.
▻ Состав сборки

- Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion

- Starwind Endor

- Starwind Enhanced

- Better Bodies (улучшенные тела)

▻ Правильный порядок загрузки модов
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
Сборка - Starwind Remastered - A Star Wars Conversion - EN (OpenMW | Android) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, KOTOR, RPG, Openmw, Ролевые игры, Star Wars, Длиннопост
▻ Скачать ◅

Starwind Remastered - Original

- Версия для устройств начального и среднего класса, оригинальное разрешение текстур.

- Рассчитана на устройства с 2+ ГБ ОЗУ на борту

- Скачать: Яндекс | Google | Размер архива 1.5 ГБ

The Elder Scrolls

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