Легендарные коды DOOM

IDDQD -- Invulnerability

IDBEHOLDI -- Temporary invisibility

IDBEHOLDR -- Temporary radiation suit

IDBEHOLDS -- Temporary berserk

IDBEHOLDA -- Temporary automap

IDBEHOLDV -- Temporary invulnerability

IDBEHOLDL -- Temporary light

IDKFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, armor and keys

IDFA -- Full health, ammo, weapons, and armor

IDDT -- Change map detail

IDCHOPPERS -- Gain chainsaw

IDCLEVxx -- Warp to level 'xx' where xx is 01 to 19

IDMYPOS -- Displays your position and bearing

IDMUSxx -- Music select. 'xx' is the level who's song you want.

IDSPISPOPD -- Walk through walls!

IDCLIP -- Walk through walls