Final yummy bite

How many wonders
do men have to see
to gather senses
of the sea?
There's always
something in the way,
so you can change
'I'll do' to 'maybe may'.
That's the reason
for dismay.
The hour hides
years, months, and days.
And, like the insurance
Triple AAA,
you'll be dead
and calmly lay
until there's
nothing to decay.
Spread your hands
and welcome, HI!
Now is the final day
that you could promise
and then sway,
like the ocean
meets the bay.
You missed the 'whys'
that Hart was asking
and were busy
taping, masking.
Of smart pretending
— you are the King,
but lost,
unwillingly the ring
that gives the strength
to aim to fight
and Fuels power
for the flight,
to a picturesqueness site.
And to love entire life
till the final yummy bite.

November 19th, 2023.


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