Вред компьютера

Сочинение-стих, придуманное и написанное в день какого-то там модуля по английскому в каком-то там политехе. Вдохновением к написанию стала абсолютно идиотская тема последнего задания, звучавшая приблизительно так: "Write a composition about the harm computer can cause".

The display can damage your eyes,

The Internet always lies

And also it full of indecency

And trolls would like to tease and seems

Like I am only joking

But don't let 'em make you broken!

It's just a dirt pit of trash

So please don't let it catch


My mother always told me

That computers are evolving

To make us more and more weak

'til we're sitting at 'em for weeks.

And you know she had a point:

Now I am feeling damn void,

I stopped to wash and be clean,

Forgot what does reality mean

To me…

The mouse can break you finger,

While your brain is starting to linger,

And you'll probably become fat

And maybe even mad

Like that guy Max in last film.

He became so mad that he

Even changed his own face and voice

And it wasn't really good choice

For fans…

Computers have caused so much harm

That we have now only one strong arm,

Nowadays we can not even talk

Without breaking our tongues.

And I am not just kidding.

Society, you're bleeding!

Machines are on the warpath

And I want you to save us


Олег Рыбка (кликабельно), "My little terminator". Одесса 2015.

Вред компьютера Стихи, Английский язык, Песня, Ирония, Шуточные стихи, Компьютер, Вред, Война, Длиннопост