The Halo Effect - Shadowminds (Live at Wacken Open Air 2022)


[Verse 1]

One side of this watershed moment

Left the fair and true objective far behind

For fear of facing what rationale resigns to

The thought of you alone with demons on your mind


Ravaging the nerves

Overtaking consciousness

What was said and what was done

Now haunt the witching hour


Let the now begin today

To the past a swift farewell

Innocence is nothing

When shadowminds prevail

Let the fear be gone today

To oblivion we cast it down

When shadowminds prevail

[Verse 2]

Let go of this, the embers of the day

Bring not the fire to the combustible night

Rather have the anger extinguish the flames

Than numbing chemicals to keep it at bay


Ravaging the nerves

Overtaking consciousness

What was said and what was done

Now haunt the witching hour


Let the now begin today

To the past a swift farewell

Innocence is nothing

When shadowminds prevail

Let the fear be gone today

To oblivion we cast it down

When shadowminds prevail

[Instrumental Break]


Let the now begin today

To the past a swift farewell

Innocence is nothing

When shadowminds prevail

Let the fear be gone today

To oblivion we cast it down

When shadowminds prevail


Let the now begin

To oblivion we cast you down

Innocence is nothing

Don't let shadowminds prevail

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