Песня ответственного человека

Злободневная песня о непростых решениях, которые приходится принимать в кризисные времена.

Написана и записана сегодня, вживую, под акустику.

Responsible man (on a self-quarantine)

I'm sitting alone, drinking my Gin

Cause I'm on my self-quarantine

Sitting alone, bottle is full

Life is not as dark and dull

Sitting alone nobody around

And old records is the only sound

I start to like this discipline,

I'm responsible man on a self-quarantine

I'm sitting alone, I'm drinking my Gin

Cause I'm on my self-quarantine

Sitting alone, bottle is half-full

Life is even better not so dark and dull

Sitting alone not a soul around

Seagull's screams is the only sound

Seashore is empty, grey and sad

I'm responsible man and it's not that bad

Don't tell me mama that I should stop,

Cause I care for you and me

Another day with a bottle of Gin

Gonna save the world and gotta set me free

I'm sitting alone, I'm drinking my Gin

Cause I'm on my self-quarantine

That's the lifestyle I adore

I'm responsible man, who could ask for more

I'm sitting alone nobody around

Cigarette crackling is the only sound

Sitting alone, bottle is empty

Started to cough and my hands are sweaty

I'm sitting alone, I'm drinking my Gin

Cause I'm on my self-quarantine

I'm all into this discipline,

I'm responsible man on a self quarantine

Responsible man on a self quarantine

I'm responsible man on a self quarantine

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