Knee - колено

Knee - колено Английский язык, Уроки английского, Изучаем английский, Как выучить английский язык, Разговорный английский

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I. noun

▪ And bringing an already faltering economy to its knees, transport workers brought the country to a virtual standstill in December.

▪ Carrington did not suit up because of his sore knee.

▪ Desmond Fairchild, paddling through the spotlights, his trousers rolled up to his hairy knees, shouted something at her.

▪ It feathered her skin with goosebumps, doubled her pulse-rate, melted her knees.

▪ She could, according to Marian, balance on her hands with her knees drawn up close to her chest.

▪ Surrounded by breathing, close enough to neighbours to touch knees.

▪ Was it because I too went down on to my knees into the dirt to find a lost one?

▪ We need not crawl on bended knees.

▪ Billy's jeans had holes in both knees.

▪ Diaz's leg had to be amputated at the knee.

▪ The only thing I remember from my ski lessons was "keep your knees bent."

II. verb

▪ He must have felt that Fate, having knocked him down, had nipped back to knee him in the nuts.

▪ She struggled free and kneed her attacker in the groin.


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