

Дата рождения: 28 июня 1986
поставил 112 плюсов и 10 минусов
отредактировал 0 постов
проголосовал за 0 редактирований
5 лет на Пикабу
14К рейтинг 1 подписчик 48 подписок 48 постов 14 в горячем

The world’s deepest pool!

Deep Dive Dubai

Deep Dive Dubai, located in Dubai's Nad Al Sheba neighborhood, is verified by the Guinness World Record as the world's deepest swimming pool, at a depth of 196.9 feet (60.02 meters) and volume of 14 million liters of water. That, the owners say, is the equivalent of six Olympic-sized swimming pools.

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A simple joke

Husband went to wife's office & kissed her from behind.
Wife laughed & said, DIRECTOR stop we're in the office

Interesting invention and smart way of working of farmers

Cat Takes Bath In Sink

My girlfriend loves her dog sol got her a blanket of her dog and her dog a blanket of her

My girlfriend loves her dog sol got her a blanket of her dog and her dog a blanket of her Без перевода, Reddit, Картинка с текстом
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You'll be amazed at how good these kids are at skiing!

When Santa comes and you're all Adults

When Santa comes and you're all Adults Без перевода, Reddit
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Shake Shake Shake, that's all it takes

Отличная работа, все прочитано!