Утро добрым не... хотя кофе!

Утро добрым не... хотя кофе! Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Цифровой рисунок, Кофе

да, в промпте так и был эмодзи чашки кофе)

  • Prompt: Immerse yourself in an extraordinary image of a whimsical splatter ink drawing portraying a cartoon character delicately holding a cup of coffee, under the creative illumination of Tim Burton's style. This Artstation contest-winning artwork, captured in stunning 64K detail, evokes the essence of the Hollow Knight theme. With influences from droid aesthetics, recursion Beeple's ingenuity, and cutecore trends, this piece of aetherpunk airbrush digital art blends very very very realistic elements into an amazing masterpiece. ☕