The Earwig King Author – Dr. N. D. N. Chapter 7. Transformation

The Earwig King  Author – Dr. N. D. N. Chapter 7. Transformation The New Yorker, Writer, Хочу критики, Философия, Englishdom, Английский язык

The Earwig King Author – Dr. N. D. N. Genre – Chelyabinsk PIZDEETS (realistic surrealism, underground, psychedelics), Chelyabinsk realistic surrealism, Chelyabinsk underground, Chelyabinsk printed psychedelics, mysticism, philosophy of life, biography

Chapter 7. Transformation — I agree! I said. — good. Be patient, it's going to hurt a little now," with these words, the two—tailed woman plunged her cerci into the inner ear tissue. — Ah!! It hurts! — Be patient. It will hurt even more. — I'm very cold. I'm freezing! — Wait now I'll help you, — with these words, the messenger outlined with his cerci, on the wall of the skin of the ear canal, a swastika, which began to warm me. —A swastika in the form of a Vedic rune warms," he explained to me. Heat filled my body. I was covered with evaporated sweat, which dewed all over my body and soaked the sheet with which I was covered. My body ached. Every cell of my body was pierced by a drilling pain. I fainted from it. I was out for a long time. I felt like all the bone tissue inside me began to dissolve. My body began to turn into a shapeless mass. I abruptly began to shrink in size. My former body was rapidly losing volume and weight. I was becoming an insect larva. Gradually, the pupation process began. I began to shed. The skin began to move away from my amoebic body. The tissue and fat were separated in chunks and evaporated into nowhere. Hair was falling out. The nails were peeling off. I began to turn into a doll. Under the new rigid cover of the pupal body, my body parts changed, my hands began to turn into insect limbs, fingers and toes began to fuse and turn into the legs of a primordial wing, additional pairs of legs began to grow from my sides, my oral apparatus began to transform, the body was divided into several segments, the rudiment of wings appeared, began to grow antennae with a jaw probe, a pair of locator eyes appeared on the former face. Inside the sarcophagus, my body acquired a chitinous shell. I was reborn into a new image. — Well, you're just like me. They have crawled into your domain, my king. Your Majesty, the coronation is coming soon!

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