_Hello, Pikabu People! It's Fedor, russian hacker. And we predstavlyaem vam little backstage of great (game of words (not thrones) about little and great, ahah).. so little backstage about greatest hacking moment in music history. no more words. in text. just on video!
1. "Какой еще на хрен федор хакер?" - greatest hacker in Universe of Hacking
2. "Че за рапсодия?!" -as hackers we always try to hack something great.. so rhapsody was great idea!
3. "Вы че.. реально русские хакеры?!!" - oh yeah, bro
4. "С фига вы на английском говорите?!" - it's contract with America Tomorrow
5. "С кем блин?" - they made about us dokumentalka
6. "Так вы типа персонажи?" - I'm Fedor. And there are 2 more hackers in my garage - Boris and Ignat. No more info, sorry
7. "Короч вы типа сериал?" - yeah.. our life in life.. prikin'
8. "А где смотреть-то?" - on Дикий Digital in YouTube.. and now here also!
Nizhe cool photos (because we are on them) - so, it's we!)