

Michael Holobor is a young CG artist who's blending 3D, motion, VFX and graphic design and specializes in TV Commercial and Title sequences.
поставил 4 плюса и 0 минусов
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Video for the the ocean cleanup

Created a video for the @theoceancleanup company, on the @isaevworkshop course

At fourteen, I decided to enroll in a course. My parents supported me, and i am grateful them for it. For 2 months I worked tirelessly, there are many like-mainded people in discord, they suggested to me, and I helped them too

Everything what was on on the course is simply beyond words. This environment and the people around you is something incredible, magic, because you look at others and you cannot stop, they constantly help you, push you. Together we are a team that wants something better.

My age is a motivation for others and for myself. Anything is possible, and I did it. This is the beginning of a small liner with a big future.


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