Привет Витебскому дракону от Оршанского!

Hello, I love Bryullov very much. Plus I looked at your profile, account. Are you the first in Latvia? That's cool! Could you please leave a comment on my forum about my puzzles by mail or postcards in treasures.

I understand it's all complicated. but you're a seasoned traveler! and I think you will understand what kind of Moles (geocachers) want to make friends with Capybaras (postcrossers).

If necessary, I will send a link to the form where I started a discussion thread on the topic ... Hide postcards in GPS treasures.

Привет Витебскому дракону от Оршанского! Дракон, Змей Горыныч, Орша, Витебск, Клад, Капибара, Крот, Геокэшинг, Postcrossing
Привет Витебскому дракону от Оршанского! Дракон, Змей Горыныч, Орша, Витебск, Клад, Капибара, Крот, Геокэшинг, Postcrossing

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