Польская полиция

Офигительная история как "работает" польская полиция во Вроцлаве.
Если кратко, то к чуваку залезли в квартиру и вытащили ноут, айпад, другие вещи и ключи от машины. Машину тоже угнали. Он пошёл в полицию и сказал им, что на своём Айфоне видит где айпад. Давайте поедем поймаем злодеев, нет ждите. Пока он ждал в полиции, его брат с друзьями поехали по этому адресу и нашли машину с уже другими номерами. Полицаи с места не сдвинулись, потом в машину начали садиться какие-то двое, брателла их спугнул, они убежали. Наконец приехала полиция сняла отпечатки с машины. Чувак пишет, я до сих пор вижу где мой айпад, прошу полицию туда идти, но они говорят, что не могут и просят ждать.


Оригинал поста.
Hello everyone,
Yesterday night someone broke into my flat located in rynek, here’s the list of thimgs that got stolen: an iPad, a laptop, my AirPods Pro,my wallet with all my cards and 300 dollars -and 170 pln inside it, 3 jackets, the keys of my car and my car that was parked under the building,
I went to the police station and told them the story, I told them that I can track the iPad on my phone, they told me to wait, so I sent my brother and two of my friends to the address where the iPad is, they found my car there with a new registration plate, and they found out that two guys were coming to the car so when they saw them they ran away to the building, but my friend managed to take pictures of them.
I told the police that they found my car and asked if we can go and check for the other stuff, they said I have to wait, so I was waiting for 2h, after that we went to the place they found the car and they took the fingerprints, a protocol was made,
I told them I can still see on my iPhone that the iPad, the AirPods and the laptop are in the same area, so let’s check, they said no they can not and we have to wait.
The value of the stuff with the car is 30700 pln,
What else do you think I should do?
All my life is on the laptop and the iPad!
Take care guys

Пикабушники в Польше

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