Говорят в Иокогаме, суши с глазами. Их глядят, а они едят

Говорят в Иокогаме, суши с глазами. Их глядят, а они едят Нейронные сети, Суши, Трипофобия, Арты нейросетей


A unique sushi arrangement on a neutral background, focusing on color and texture contrasts. The sushi pieces in the foreground are topped with small, spherical objects resembling tinyн eyeballs, with detailed dark pupils and blue irises, similar in size to fish roe. These tiny eyeball toppings, mimicking the appearance of roe, are wrapped in dark nori seaweed. The entire arrangement maintains the whimsical and slightly unsettling effect, with a strong emphasis on the lifelike details and realism of the eyeball toppings, creating a visual spectacle that blends culinary art with a surreal presentation.


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