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МЕСХИ - Перемена (LIVE 18.04.19)

Концерт МЕСХИ с симфоническим оркестром - ГлавСlub Green Concert - 18.04.19

Уникальный концерт ВИА Месхи онлайн!

Смотрим уникальный концерт Месхи онлайн! Пока идет трансляция, не пропустите!

Coronavirus Song by Meskhi | Lord, give me strength | COVID-19

Изначально планировалось снимать масштабное видео, но повсеместная изоляция не позволяет отходить на 100 метров от своего дома. Если кому нужна буджет минусовка- пишите в комментарии, скину. Всем спасибо за просмотр и берегите себя!


There comes a time, just only once

When fate gives you a daring chance

Mystery haze will be your guide

You’ll be asked on the other side:

’Tell me what have you done so you can walk on this land?’

Let your heart just answer that it only knows how to love

Lord, give me strength

With some hope and patience

Everything is in my hands and my faith

Look how sun’s chasing dark away

Lighting up my pathway

This world is open now seize the day

How can I spread my wings to get to you

When weak and feeling blue?

Resisting the doubts, believing in me,

Tell me where will I find my relief?

Tell me what should I do?

Oh Lord, I’m lost with no clue!

Where’s the truth now? And where are the lies?

Does love exist among us?

Lord, give us strength

With some hope and patience

Everything is in our hands and our faith

Look how sun’s chasing dark away

Lighting up our pathways

This world is open let's seize the day

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