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ВНИМАНИЕ!!!!!!!Очень нудная история! перевод в конце

Guys who will understand how it not depends on the level of development and other separation of classes and understanding other sense-dwu of transmissible, and other faces that we draw for ourselves, judge everything for everyone: Throwing all the pros and cons, as well as taking them all without the rest!

It's been 5 years since our first meeting... everything is like in an unreal fairy tale, which you listen to, read, but you do not come to them, being content with two principles only.

Just two.... THIS STORY is NOT ABOUT YOU and THIS STORY is FICTION!! And only fiction... now the choice is yours, what is it! We met by chance, having a vague mutual friend... when I saw her, I saw a little girl, a girl who was walking.... but not walking with cats of all stripes... and it is not "all It is simple, it all, she looks at you with burning through and not leaving, but staying with you and you with coooom you. Fully. Everything. Inside. And you're getting taller. Yes! In the truest sense of the above! Growth, gait, thinking, Yes, even age! Both physically and psychologically, you get better than your "palpable" ones. And you yourself begin to notice it, only after a while, not much, and like it.. not the that all, and you very.. the story is that it's my fault for losing that look. The look I loved. No matter what this was uskladite in me ideal, the beloved, the one.. tell in detail I will not why and how we got lost. Let me just say in short - the reason was alcohol.... I didn't know what I was doing. They broke up not because she told me to stop drinking, but because he spoke for me, talking nonsense for half a year, the half a year of time that she did not renounce me. Was near always. It is how understand it's got, but she did not give up, and was near the half year , while I was drinking. And drank with a lot of stupidity with the stupid initiative: "well, he do not."? She left, not herself, but sent by me, on a squirrel... passed time, return wanted to, but all BL ' I sought in vain.... I found one, two, three, and so on, but I can't find her, she's the only one I know I love....... for her, really I am ready for everything, and Yes, the same in death... but bring her back already... its own fate, its own way.... it's just a pity I didn't save it.

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Нашёл водительское удостоверение, недалёко от МГУ, на мичуринском проспекте рядом с магазином "Дикси" поиски по соц.сетям не дали результата. Думаю, может здесь увидет, откликнется, отдам в руки

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