
Дата рождения: 20 мая 1983
поставил 0 плюсов и 0 минусов
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Игры на вечер

Каждые выходные рубимся с друзьями в настолки: манчкин, колонизаторы, Ticket to Ride Europe, монополия. Иногда бывают и сложнее игры: Ужас Аркхэма, Игра престолов.

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Игры на вечер Настольные игры, Вечер
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Conquest of the Couch Kingdom ( story by DenAven)

Conquest of the Couch Kingdom

There was a lazy person named Igor who considered the couch his kingdom. His days passed in tranquility, while evenings were spent in the abyss of comfort nestled among pillows and blankets.

The Lord of Couch Comfort

Igor was the great lord of Couch Comfort. His lounging became an art, and endless hours in front of the television - his great triumph. The lazy person consumed series and movies, as if conquering new territories within his kingdom.

Discoveries of the Lazy Voyager

At one point, Igor decided to embark on a journey through the vast expanses of the internet. He explored virtual landscapes, studied the landmarks of the digital world, and even attempted to conquer the mountains of "YouTube." But even in this adventure, he preferred to remain in his kingdom, orchestrating a virtual journey without leaving the couch.

Rebellion of Personal Initiative

Once, under the influence of an inexplicable impulse, Igor decided to change his destiny. He got up from the couch and set out on a quest for something more meaningful than the TV remote. However, during his journey, he encountered difficulties - his legs grew heavy, and the kingdom of the couch lured him back.

Return to Familiar Tranquility

Igor realized that his couch was his true home. He returned to his throne, where comfort and serenity reigned. The lazy person found his happiness in tranquility and once again immersed himself in the world of television adventures.

Thus ended the short journey of the lazy person who found happiness in lying on the couch. Peace ruled in his kingdom, and no adventures could compare to the enchanting world of his cozy throne.

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