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Убежище (пусть даже временное) в США и Канаде для российских уклонистов от призыва / мобилизации

Скажу за себя, я уже выразил отношение к т.н. "СВО", подав документы на выход из гражданства (почитайте мою ленту). Но последние новости, как мне кажется, вообще ни в какие ворота не лезут. Прибалты и прочие младоевропейцы призывают дорогих россиян делать революцию, а не бежать (боженька им судья), а вот США издавна принимали гонимых (звучит несколько патетично, но все же).

Собственно говоря:

1. Ищем своего представителя



2. Канадцы - я думаю, у вас что-то похожее тоже есть

3. Заходим на его (ее) сайт и пишем что-то такое (английский не родной, поправите - молодцы). Последний абзац - чисто мой:

On September 21, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced mobilization, tending to draft 300K people and send them to war with Ukraine. A lot of people are already fleeing Russia, mostly to neighboring countries of ex-USSR (like Kazakhstan or Armenia), pretending to be tourist, but will have to come back after their tourist status expires.

Back in Russia, they are facing up to 10 years in jail for evading the draft due to the recent amendments to the Criminal Code of Russia.

It would be fair to provide temporary asylum for those people and their families. It's part of American history to help people from all over the world fleeing violence and persecution. Let's, for example, just remember huge Irish immigration during the Great Famine. Nowadays, since 1975, the U.S. has accepted roughly 3.3 million refugees, the vast majority from Cuba, Vietnam, and the former Soviet Union. And, of course Uniting for Ukraine program is the best that the United States can do now, together with mass weapons supply to the Ukrainian Army defeating their homeland.

People fleeing mobilization are self-sustainable, will work hard and eventually will become an integral part of American society. 99% of them are in opposition to Putin's regime and his unprovoked and aggressive war against Ukraine.

War is fueled by people, giving the asylum to people who don't want to participate in it can end it quicker and reduce the number of casualties.

As a native of Moscow, resident of Chicago, US Citizen since 2017 and former citizen of Russia, having myself extended family members who may become subject to mobilization in near future, I should really appreciate if you submit it ASAP.

Пикабушники Северной Америки

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