Помощь по оплате приложения гугл плей

Доброго времени суток, по работе большая необходимость в программе https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.martinlore... - для осциллографа, родное ПО глючит дико. Может кто знает способ покупки из России, веду общение с разработчиком, говорит что все завязано на гугле...

Помощь по оплате приложения гугл плей Помощь, Программное обеспечение, Длиннопост
Помощь по оплате приложения гугл плей Помощь, Программное обеспечение, Длиннопост

Ну и текст переписки.

Старый Цлуш:
hello, how to buy an application from Russia?

I dont know

Any way you can pay abroad?

paypal is also closed right?

Старый Цлуш:
На номер карты

I've just google play and paypal

Старый Цлуш:
to the card number, I have idso1070a, how can I unlock the car functions?

just with google license...

maybe you can VPN

not sure if you can pay

Старый Цлуш:
Google Play won't let me pay in my country...but I hope I can use PayPal, I haven't tried it there.

pls try, otherwise I should find some payment provider

what a mess...

can you get apps from google?

Старый Цлуш:
ok, I'll find out if anyone can make a payment via Google Play

I dont think so..

check if you can buy from china



this is my paypal, check if you can donate 0.01USD

https://www.americanbanker.com/payments/list/these-payment-companies-are-cutting-off-russia#:~:text=PayPal has suspended the ability,that PayPal acquired in 2015.

the list is long...

Старый Цлуш:
no, I can’t, even forbids registering.

also this with Alipay is cut out

Can I open a wallet in russian currency?

any bank to suggest?

Старый Цлуш:

I nee a bank that allow a foreigner not resident to open an account online:D

Старый Цлуш:
hmm, but no visa or mastercard cards?

you cannot use that circuits

they are suspended

Старый Цлуш:
how much to pay? I will now try to contact a person from Kazakhstan) maybe he will succeed ...

the problem is that it wont work, I can just plan another kind of license in future

because all Android apps are binded to Google Play

developers cannot work outside Google Payment system

a mess...

Старый Цлуш:
I will try then to transfer my Google account to another country

all with VPN...

Google account abroad but you may pay just if you have an account that work abroad I think


this should be russian

do you know what is this?

aah...this is just for russian people..

Старый Цлуш:

a mess...

Good afternoon, is it possible to put it up as a digital product on aliexpress? Yesterday I watched video reviews of your program - it's perfect. but I don't know how to buy...

I don't have aliexpress and it is an expensive service to open a shop there

I had a shop somewhere else

let me see if I can send you the link

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