Всем привет, вот такая фантазия родилась вчера прямо на стриме и была немедленно исполнена в нейросети Fooocus на этой Фурри модели. По моему получилось очень прикольно.
A photorealistic close-up portrait of an anthropomorphic male white (Siamese cat:1.3) furry as an astronaut, showcasing her soft auburn fur, bright blue cat eyes, narrow pupil, and a confident smile. She wears a detailed NASA spacesuit with authentic textures and metallic hardware, captured in three-quarter view against the lunar surface. The background shows a stark moonscape with the Earth visible as a blue marble in the upper right, while harsh sunlight from the left creates dramatic shadows and highlights on the fur and suit. Shot with medium format at f/4 for sharp facial detail with gentle background blur, creating a whimsical yet professional NASA portrait style
Stable Diffusion & Flux
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