Новый рубеж

Новый рубеж Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Цифровой рисунок
  • Prompt: A colonial ship lands on a distant planet full of exotic and colorful flora and fauna. The ship's crew, dressed in futuristic suits, explores the new world with a mix of awe and caution. The sky is a vibrant mix of purples, pinks and oranges, conveying a feeling of unearthly beauty. In the distance we can see towering mountains and vast oceans, hinting at the endless possibilities of this new world. The ship's landing creates a cloud of dust and debris, adding to the dramatic and epic feel of the scene. A sense of adventure and discovery is in the air as the colonists take their first steps on this new planet.