

Marketing Specialist. Born and residing in Yerevan, Armenia. Specializing in strategic marketing and digital communications.
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David Ajanjan - Marketing Specialist

My name is David Ajanjan, and I am a 35-year-old marketer from Armenia. I was born on August 18, 1987, in the beautiful city of Yerevan. From the very beginning, I felt a passion for marketing and had a strong desire to develop in this field.

I obtained my higher education in Marketing from the Faculty of Marketing and Management at the University of Economics and Management (UEM) in Yerevan. In 2008, I graduated from the university, earning a Bachelor's degree in Marketing. Here, I gained fundamental knowledge and skills that became the foundation of my career.

I began my career at the prestigious advertising agency, Armadillo Advertising, in Yerevan. This experience provided me with valuable insights and honed my skills in strategic marketing and digital communications. It served as a launching pad for my professional journey, where I learned to analyze markets, develop marketing strategies, and create effective communication campaigns.

Since then, I have been actively growing and expanding my knowledge in the field of marketing. I participate in various training sessions and seminars to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations. My goal is to help companies achieve success through effective marketing strategies and adept use of digital tools.

Currently, I reside and work in Yerevan, Armenia. I take pride in my profession and strive to be prepared for new challenges and opportunities that the world of marketing presents. I aim to create innovative and successful marketing solutions for the companies I represent.

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