Уже сил не осталось, а еще 3 задания по теор. фонетике сделать. Всю ночь сижу. Помогите пожалуйста кто может.

1. Explain phonetic processes and types of allophones in underlined words in the text.
The teachers were useful there. Bands of them wandered through the mountains, along with the tinkers, portable blacksmiths, miracle medicine men, cloth pedlars, fortune-tellers and all the other travellers who sold things people didn’t need every day but occasionally found useful.
They went from village to village delivering short lessons on many subjects. They kept apart from the other travellers, and were quite mysterious in their ragged robes and strange square hats. They used long words, like ‘corrugated iron’. They lived rough lives, surviving on what food they could earn from giving lessons to anyone who would listen. When no one would listen, they lived on baked hedgehog. They went to sleep under the stars, which the maths teachers would count, the astronomy teachers would measure and the literature teachers would name. The geography teachers got lost in the woods and fell into bear traps.
People were usually quite pleased to see them. They taught children enough to shut them up, which was the main thing after all. But they always had to be driven out of the villages by nightfall in case they stole chickens.

2. Choose two of the book titles and describe distinctive features of English sounds (vowel and consonant) which made the word play possible.
I Scream, You Scream
Paws for Murder
Too Good to be Truman
Deliver Us from Evelyn
Crewel Intentions
Shore to Die
Wreck the Halls
Idol Bones
A Corpse for Yew
Bread on Arrival
Happy Never After
Dyer Consequences
Fruit of All Evil
Crops and Robbers
Silver and Guilt
Huckleberry Fiend
Oak and Dagger

3. Explain phonetic processes in underlined words in the text
Fermi discovered that interesting things happen when substances are bombarded with 'slow neutrons', subatomic particles emitted by radioactive beryllium, and passed through paraffin to slow them down. Slow neutrons, Fermi discovered, were just what you needed to persuade other elements to emit their own radioactive particles. That looked interesting, so he squirted streams of slow neutrons at everything he could think of, and eventually he tried the then obscure element uranium, up until then mostly used as a source of yellow pigment. By something apparently like alchemy, the uranium turned into something new when the slow neutrons cannoned into it, but Fermi couldn't work out what.
Four years later three Germans, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, and Fritz Strassmann, repeated Fermi's experiments, and being better chemists, they worked out what had happened to the uranium. Mysteriously, it had turned into barium, krypton, and a small quantity of other stuff. Meitner realized that this process of 'nuclear fission' produced energy, by a remarkable method. Everyone knew that chemistry could turn matter into other kinds of matter, but now some of the matter in uranium was being transformed into energy, something that nobody had seen before.
It so happened that Albert Einstein had already predicted this possibility on theoretical grounds, with his famous formula, an equation which the orangutan Librarian of Unseen University would render as 'Ook'. Einstein's formula tells us that the amount of energy 'contained' in a given amount of matter is equal to the mass of that matter, multiplied by the speed of light and then multiplied by the speed of light again. As Einstein had immediately noticed, light is so fast it doesn't even appear to move, so its speed is decidedly big ... and the speed multiplied by itself is huge. In other words: you can get an awful lot of energy from a tiny bit of matter, if only you can find a way to do it. Now Meitner had worked out the trick.
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Да ну нафиг - говорю же, помоги случайному незнакомцу. Я общие направления могу задать а ты уже сама смотри по своему курсу. Я просто уверенный пользователь, но не филолог )
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Спасибо большое, хотя не люблю труд других людей не оплачивается, но это уже ваше решение) Еще раз спасибо.
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Помоги случайному незнакомцу. Сейчас посмотрю. Я честно говоря данное задание на три с плюсом тебе набросал и просто дал направление - если препод злюка - он потребует с цитатами о правилах открытых закрытых слогов которые я давно не помню, ибо просто привык произносить "как надо". Посмотри в этом направлении - зайди на сайт, посмотри транскрипции, вбей в гугл по части правил с этими слогами, на что обратить внимание я вроде правильно сказал.
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Спасибо и на том, но свой телефон или яндекс кошелек дай, я тебе хоть 50р. скину)
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"Paws for Murder"

paws / pause

p?:z - an animal’s foot having claws and pads. plural.
p?:z - a temporary stop in action or speech

aw / au (c нечитаемым на конце "е") создают фонетическую похожесть, читается так же, в одном случае "лапы для убийства" в другом "пауза для убийства" - что создаёт игру слов

"Dyer Consequences"

'd??? - a person whose trade is the dyeing of cloth or other material.
'd??? - extremely serious or urgent:

yer / ire - ( во втором случае не читается последняя "е") - что создаёт одинаковый фонетический звук и обыгрывается "опасная ситуация" и "ситуация окраски" - например как в фильме где девушка шпионка должна постоянно красить волосы из одного цвета в другой - тем самым подвергая себя опасности.

"Shore to Die "

/??:/ - the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water:
/??:/ - true beyond any doubt:

Одинаковое произношение - нечитаемая на конце "е" в случае со словом "берег" и "точно", и ho в слоге даёт глухое "о" как и в точно. Тут нужно посмотреть правило открытого закрытого слога.
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И да, дай свой номер телефона пожалуйста.
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"Paws for Murder"

paws / pause

p?:z - an animal’s foot having claws and pads. plural.
p?:z - a temporary stop in action or speech

aw / au (c нечитаемым на конце "е") создают фонетическую похожесть, читается так же, в одном случае "лапы для убийства" в другом "пауза для убийства" - что создаёт игру слов

"Dyer Consequences"

'd??? - a person whose trade is the dyeing of cloth or other material.
'd??? - extremely serious or urgent:

yer / ire - ( во втором случае не читается последняя "е") - что создаёт одинаковый фонетический звук и обыгрывается "опасная ситуация" и "ситуация окраски" - например как в фильме где девушка шпионка должна постоянно красить волосы из одного цвета в другой - тем самым подвергая себя опасности.

"Shore to Die "

/??:/ - the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water:
/??:/ - true beyond any doubt:

Одинаковое произношение - нечитаемая на конце "е" в случае со словом "берег" и "точно", и ho в слоге даёт глухое "о" как и в точно. Тут нужно посмотреть правило открытого закрытого слога.
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А другие два можешь сделать?
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"Explain phonetic processes and types of allophones in underlined words in the text."

какие слова подчёркнуты?
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teachers, useful there, of them, with the, occasionally, lessons , lessons , subjects, would, baked, measure, geography, had to.
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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий
В первом подчеркнуты teachers, useful there, of them, with the, occasionally, lessons , lessons , subjects, would, baked, measure, geography, had to.
В третьем - discovered, things, squirted, until, fission, equation, amount