Топ 10 инструментов автоматизации тестирования 2018

Топ 10 инструментов автоматизации тестирования 2018 Free Software, QA, Automation testing, Длиннопост

Методы разработки программного обеспечения не стоят на месте, то же можно сказать и об используемых для разработки ПО инструментах и технологиях. В первую очередь, такое совершенствование необходимо для того, чтобы продуктивность и качество создаваемого продукта увеличились, время, необходимое для разработки, сократилось, а заказчик остался доволен полученным результатом. Таким образом, можно смело заявить, что тестирование играет важную роль в разработке качественного продукта.

Не так давно свет увидел World Quality Report 2017–2018 (Мировой стандарт проверки качества), выпущенный благодаря совместному труду сразу нескольких крупных компаний (Capgemini, Sogeti и Micro Focus), в котором было отмечено ряд интересных трендов в разработке и тестировании программного обеспечения. Авторы этого отчета считают, что основные направления в развитии разработки ПО заключаются в постоянном совершенствовании автоматизации тестирования и повсеместном применении гибких и DevOps-методологий (методология, которая объединяет в себе работу программистов и системных администраторов). Так, в данном отчете указано, что компаниям необходимо внедрять интеллектуальную автоматизацию и смарт-аналитику, для того чтобы ускорить процессы принятия ключевых решений и валидации продукта. Благодаря таким нововведениям компании смогут более эффективно справляться с тестированием интеллектуальных устройств нового поколения и высокоинтегрированных продуктов, изменения в которые вносятся постоянно. В отчете также говорится о необходимости создания интеллектуальных платформ для тестирования, характеризующихся высоким уровнем адаптивности. Благодаря таким платформам можно будет обеспечить эффективную поддержку полного жизненного цикла приложения.

Топ 10 инструментов автоматизации тестирования 2018 Free Software, QA, Automation testing, Длиннопост

In the field of software testing, automation tools certainly play a key role. This article briefly describes the most popular tools and frameworks for automating software testing, the application of which will help companies keep pace with trends in software testing. We included both commercial tools and open source tools in this list.


It is believed that Selenium is the most popular open source framework for automating the testing of web applications. Developed somewhere in the distant two thousandths and developing over the next decade, Selenium is a framework for automating the process of testing web applications. During this time, he managed to win the hearts of many testers, especially those who have advanced programming skills and experience writing scripts. Selenium can be considered as the ancestor of some modern tools for testing automation with open source, for example: Katalon Studio, Watir, Protractor and Robot Framework.

The Selenium framework is supported by several operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux), as well as many browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Headless browsers). Scripts for this frame can be written on most popular Java today: Java, Groovy, Python, C #, PHP, Ruby and Perl.

However, it should be noted that this framework has both pluses and minuses. The advantages include flexibility, as well as the ability to write complex and effective scripts to test developed applications. On the other hand, in order to start working with Selenium, the tester must have an outstanding knowledge of programming and be ready to devote a certain amount of time and energy to writing special frames and libraries that provide certain functions in the testing process.

Website: http://www.seleniumhq.org/

License: Free

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is an effective tool for automating the process of testing web applications, mobile applications and web services. Katalon Studio is a descendant of such frameworks as Selenium and Appium. He took over from the latter many advantages associated with integrated automation of software testing.

To get started with this tool, you can both have an initial knowledge in software testing, and be a true guru of your business. People who are far from programming can easily launch their project to automate testing (for example, by running the Object Spy function to write test scripts), and for programmers and experienced testers, Katalon Studio will prove useful in terms of saving time when writing new libraries and supporting existing scripts.

Katalon Studio can be integrated into CI / CD, it works great in conjunction with popular tools during testing software: qTest, JIRA, Jenkins and Git. It has a nice feature - Katalon Analytics, thanks to which users get a full picture of the testing process. For this purpose special reports are provided, which are displayed on the users screen in the form of metrics, diagrams and graphs.

Website: https://www.katalon.com/

License: Free


Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is a popular commercial tool for functional testing. It provides a full set of functions for testing APIs, web services, and for testing the graphical interface of desktop, mobile and web applications on all existing platforms. This tool provides an enhanced image recognition feature, reusable test components and documentation for automatic testing.

UFT uses Visual Basic Scripting Edition, which can be useful for recording information about testing performed, as well as for managing objects. UFT is integrated with Mercury Business Process Testing and Mercury Quality Center. The tool supports CI by integrating with CI tools such as Jenkins.

Website: https://software.microfocus.com/fr-ca/software/uft

License: paid


Watir is an open source tool for automating web application testing that uses Ruby libraries. For Watir there is a possibility of cross-browser testing in most existing browsers: Firefox, Opera, headless browsers and IE. It also supports data-driven testing and is integrated with BBD tools such as RSpec, Cucumber and Test / Unit.

Website: http://watir.com/

License: Free

IBM Rational Functional Tester

IBM RFT is a platform for data-driven functionality testing and software regression. It supports testing a wide range of applications written in various programming languages, such as .Net, Java, SAP, Flex, and Ajax. RFT uses Visual Basic .Net and Java as scripting languages. RFT has a unique function - Storyboard testing. Thanks to it, all user-related actions of users are recorded and visualized in the form of sequential images - screenshots of applications at various stages of their testing.

Another interesting feature of the RFT platform is its ability to integrate with the IBM Jazz application lifecycle management systems (for example, IBM Rational Team Concert and Rational Quality Manager).

Website: https://www.ibm.com/

License: paid


TestComplete, created by SmartBear, is an effective tool for testing desktop, mobile and web applications. TestComplete supports various scripting languages, such as: JavaScript, VBScript, Python and C ++ Script. Just like in the case of Katalon Studio, with the help of TestComplete, testers can perform keyword testing and data-driven testing. The instrument also provides a convenient function for recording and reproducing the testing process.

TestComplete has a GUI feature similar to UTF, which automatically detects and updates UI objects, which helps to avoid unnecessary hassle in maintaining test scripts when changing the AUT. This tool also integrates with Jenkins during the CI process.

Website: https://smartbear.com/

License: paid

TestPlant eggPlant

TestPlant eggPlant is a tool for automatic functional testing, based on image analysis, which allows testers to perform AUT effectively. As for testing methods, the TestPlant eggPlant is completely different from traditional testing tools: it simulates the process in such a way as if the user were testing applications, rather than the tester for which such a process consists in writing test scripts. This feature allows testers who do not have much knowledge in programming to use this test automation tool intuitively. TestPlant eggPlant is supported by various platforms, it also provides the ability to manage the laboratory and CI-integration.

Website: https://www.testplant.com/

License: paid

Tricentis Tosca

Tricentis Tosca is a model-based test automation tool that provides a fairly wide range of functions for continuous testing, including testing, with subsequent data extraction, analysis and integration to support flexible programming methodologies and DevOps methodologies.

Tricentis Tosca helps users optimize the use of resources needed for re-testing. As with other similar tools, Tricentis Tosca can test web applications, mobile applications, and APIs. This tool also provides the ability to manage integration, risk analysis and distributed execution.

Website: https://www.tricentis.com/

License: paid


Ranorex is a paid universal tool for automating testing of web, mobile and desktop applications. The tool is characterized by advanced features for GUI recognition, the use of reusable test scenarios and the ability to record / reproduce the stages of software testing. Another useful feature of this tool is the ability to create test scenarios without having to write code. For those testers who are at the very beginning of the journey, this feature will be a great help: testers will not need to have in-depth knowledge of programming in order to conduct automatic testing of their projects.

The tool supports the integration of Selenium for testing web applications. Testers can group specific test results for different platforms and in different browsers using the Selenium grid. Ranorex also provides discounts for business customers.

Website: https://www.ranorex.com/

License: paid

Robot framework

Robot Framework is a framework for automatic testing with open source, in which a keyword-based approach for acceptance testing and development through acceptance testing (ATDD) is implemented. Robot Framework provides the ability to solve various testing automation tasks. However, its capabilities can be extended by implementing additional libraries using Python and Java. For example, Selenium WebDriver is a popular external library used in the Robot Framework.

Test engineers can use the Robot Framework as a framework for automatically testing not only Web applications, but for applications running Android and iOS. Robot Framework seems to be easy to learn for testers who are already familiar with keyword-based testing.

Website: http://www.robotframework.org/

License: Free

Thus, each of the tools described above has its own unique set of capabilities, which is necessary to solve constantly changing tasks in the field of automatic software testing. Thanks to such tools, it becomes possible to perform continuous testing and integration, as well as effectively manage the testing process and receive a report on the work done. These tools meet all the requirements for testing mobile and web applications. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that intelligent testing and smart analytics for adaptive and heterogeneous environments is something that has yet to be implemented in modern testing automation tools.

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