Down the river drifts an axe
From the town of Byron.
Let it float by itself -
Fucking piece of iron!!!
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Girls had a fight at country hut
Over who got hairiest cunt.
Well, more hair of the most
Had the beaver of the host.
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Kids are asking uncle Peck:
Why’s there wire on your neck?
Uncle has no words to spare
Swinging calmly in the air.
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Fish in thick tomato sauce
Swims in happy comatose.
Only me, pathetic whimp,
Have no fucking place to swim
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Train is speeding from Tambov
Tailgate lights are on and off,
Girls aboard would - what the heck!
Fuck their way through ticket check
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If you want to have a brother
Ask your father fuck your mother
If you want to have a funny
Fuck yourself and save you money
Ask your father fuck your mother
If you want to have a funny
Fuck yourself and save you money
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