Слухи о второй части Надвигающегося шторма.
История следует за Йврэйн (та кошатница), которая хочет возродить Иннеада. Когда-то она была суккубом, но её убила Лилит Гесперакс, но Йврэйн переродилась как посланница Иннеада.
Последователи Иннеада хотят объеденить расу эльдар и восстановить былое величие, которым они обладали до Падения.
Эльдрада осудили на Ультве за его попытки возродить Иннеада, но суд прерывается, когда пребывают Йврэйн и какой-то эльдар из Альтансара.
Визарх - какой-то мёртвый древний герой. Скорей всего это Йириэль.
Эльдари - название всех древних эльдар.
Друкари тоже имеет место быть.
Есть ещё Йннари, которым не доверяют, потому что они совращены демонами.
Врата Кхайне открываются и Комморагу становится очень плохо.
Вект получает ещё больше влияния, так как большинство его врагов погибает. Вместе с Уриеном он основывает Нео-Коммораг.
На Биель-Тан нападает флот Хаоса и демоны.
В конечном итоге Биель-Тан погибает вместе с обитателями, что приводит к возрождению Аватара Иннеада.
Силандри путешествует вместе с Йврэйне и помогает ей объединить эльдар и возродить Иннеада.
Биель-Тан была последней остановкой Йврэйн и её компании, после чего они отправились на помощь Селестине и выжившим с Кадии.
-Aeldari are a thing
- Drukhari are also a thing. Looks like its referring to Dark Eldar
- There's something called the Exhumed who can harvest the power of soulstones to use as weapons. They basically call to the spirits within them to vaporise folks
-There's another group called the Ynnari, who aren't really trusted because they're considered to be corrupted by demons.
- Seems like the Exhumed follows Ynnead, and wants the Eldar to follow suit. They want to restore Eldar society to how it was before the Fall. The problem is that they are really arrogant about it, so they tend to be treated with hostility.
Khaine's gate blew open apparently, it was next to Biel-Tan being destroyed the reason why/how the Avatar of Ynnead was created. Apparently, Lelith killed an important Succubus which lead to a disjunction and Khaine's gate blew open.
Neo-Commorragh is officially a thing, Vect is stronger than ever, as many of his enemies were killed and his allies survived.
For those who never got the Coven supplement, Vect created Neo-Commorragh with the help of Urien, creating a whole new core (center) of a new Commorragh, in case Khaine's gate blew open.
They stockpiled entire planets & resources in case something bad happened.
I expect a Vect mini now...as he's become an even bigger player than ever.
What causes Biel-Tan to go kaboom?
-Chaos fleet attack and deamon incursion
-Not Abbadon in person, as the events of the Fracture are in the same time as Cadia Falls. So, Abbadon is on Cadia when Biel'Tan is destroyed.
Any more mention of Sylandri Veilwalker?
- Yes : she's some sort of companion of Yvraine in her journey to unite the eldar and awaken Ynnead.
So I guess Commoragh is kind of a mess now. (Previously said that the khaine's gate have opened)
- For all we k now yet from the WD, Vect disagree with the Yvraine's project of unity and Ynnead awakening. The Covens too, because "dude, necromancy is OUR business !".
- Yvraine, who was a succubus, is killed by Lelith and reborn as the envoy of Ynnead. This cause a disjonction (seriously, again ? xD) and open the Khaine's gate.
- Eldrad is judged on Ulthwe by a concil of farseer for he have tried to awaken Ynnead by himself and without their approval. His judgment is interrupt by the arrival of Yvraine, and then the arrival of some eldar from Altansar (but we don't know at the moment what they'll do).
- For Biel'Tan, this is the wreck of his wraithbone core and the death of his inhabitants that partially awake Ynnead.
- For the Vysarch, it is said that he his some sort of bodyguard (and "more", but it don't said what), that he wear and armor of the ancient eldar beforme the Fall, and that he is a "dead eldar hero resurcted". Did I say that "somebody" died on Iyvanden ?
- On Iyanden "a great hero died while fighting against the chaos forces, but death isn't definitive now...". So, the Visarch IS Yriel.
- Iyanden is attacked by a chaos fleet when Yvraine arrive on board. Iyanden is the last step of her journey, then they'll go on Klaisus meet the survivors of Cadia.
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