Что такое Народная республика

Что такое Народная республика Политика, Республика, Народная Республика, Коммунизм, История (наука), Страны, Социализм

People's republic is an official title that is mostly used by current and former communist states, as well as other left-wing governments. It is mainly associated with soviet republics, socialist states following the doctrine of people's democracy, sovereign states with a democratic-republican constitution that usually mentions socialism, as well as some countries that do not fit into any of these categories.

As a term, people's republic is associated with socialist states as well as communist countries adhering to Marxism–Leninism, although its use is not unique to such states. A number of republics with liberal democratic political systems such as Algeria and Bangladesh adopted the title, given its rather generic nature, after popular wars of independence. Nonetheless, such countries still usually mention socialism in their constitutions.

Народная республика - это часто используемое официальное название для коммунистических государств, других государств с правительством левого толка. В основном ассоциируется с советскими республиками, социалистическими государствами.

Народная республика ассоциируется с социалистическими государствами. Некоторые страны все еще упоминают социализм в своих конституциях.

На карте красными цветами отмечены такие страны.

Источник: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_republic

Перевод: мой.