Арт " битлы в Хогвартсе"

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George was friends with Paul when he got his Hogwarts letter. He was of course jealous and wish he could've gone to a wizarding school. Well, low and behold, next year, George received his letter. Himself and Paul was ecstatic. 
George took a large interest in herbology and even took a fanged geranium from Diagon Alley with him as his pet. 
George was placed in John's dorm and the two became friends, and he had to painfully watch John be oblivious to all of Paul's attempts to flirt. He of course knows that John has feelings for Paul, even if he won't admit them. 
You can normally find George with his nose in a book or in the greenhouse with Professor Sprout. He often spends his afternoons as well, sitting on the moving staircases, conversing with the paintings. 
He has a tendency to stay up for days on end cramming for tests and quizzes, but otherwise has a pretty solid sleeping schedule. 
George of course has a crush of his own, on the strange roommate girl Andreas, with olive tree, two years his elder.
Favourite subjects: Herbology, Divination
Patronus: Dark Horse

Арт " битлы в Хогвартсе" Хогвартс, Арт, Длиннопост, Ринго Старр, Пол Маккартни, Джон Леннон, Джордж Харрисон, English version

Paul received his letter at eleven as most children do. A pureblood son of Marie Mochan and ruined friend of Malfoys count James McCartney prodigy was born in that instance. At school, he excelled in all his classes, and was a teacher favorite.
Paul befriended Chuck Berry once he met him, being quite fascinated with the half-giant. He shared a love for all creatures and the two spent a lot of time together. Paul would eagerly await for Berry's next illegal mythical creature. Eventually they came across a pygmy hippogriff that took a shine to Paul. After much paperwork and meetings, Martha, the hippogriff was also welcomed to Hogwarts as Paul's pet.
Paul eventually had a run in with the school's notorious John Lennon and began crushing hard. The two quickly became friends with Paul offering John help studying. Paul was enthralled. However, John was a bit oblivious to his advances. Paul showed up none the less to all his games and cheered for the Ravenclaws even if they were playing Hufflepuff. Despite being quite disappointed he didn't get too far charming John, he was happy to be given his scarf as John wore his Hufflepuff one "for good luck". Paul's mother died at dragon pox .
Paul in love with Nancy Shevell -Ravenclaw headgirl .
Favourite subject : Care of magical creatures , Ancient runes
Patronus: English sheepdog

Арт " битлы в Хогвартсе" Хогвартс, Арт, Длиннопост, Ринго Старр, Пол Маккартни, Джон Леннон, Джордж Харрисон, English version

Jonh - Ravenclaw
John is a prefect of Ravenclaw to most people's surprise. Despite dozing in class and skipping as well, he keeps his grades up. He's also a great beater for the Ravenclaw quidditch team. Most people can find either out on the field practicing or in the halls somewhere trying to befriend Mrs. Norris. 
John came from a pureblood family. After his mother's was killing by Death Eaters when he was young, he moved in with his aunt and uncle. He sson got his letter to Hogwarts after, to no surprise. At Hogwarts he finds a piece of home in Professor McMorrison, reminding him of Mimi. 
After being amazed with McMorrison animagus, John worked to become one himself and was proud to say that he is as well a cat. 
Despite being the beater, the snitch seems to like him and follows him. He eventually kept one as a pet as it wouldn't leave him alone, but was accused of stealing it and it was taken away. An hour later he was seen with the snitch again and they gave up.
Jonh has a long-time relationship with Hufflepuff seeker Cynthia Pawel . They both lost parents in First Magic War and being survived after Avada Kedavra spell.
That's why Jonh has a white scar behind left ear.
Favourite subjects: Flying, Transfiguration

Арт " битлы в Хогвартсе" Хогвартс, Арт, Длиннопост, Ринго Старр, Пол Маккартни, Джон Леннон, Джордж Харрисон, English version

Coming from a pureblood lineage (and his muggle step father) Richard happily came to Hogwarts. His cheerful demeanor attracted John, both on their first year. The two shared a train car there, and were excited to be sorted. Despite being in different houses, they two continued to be friends.
Ringo is a beater for the Gyrffindor team, and it would be a lie to say him and John don't get competitive while playing against each other, and one or the other ends up in the hospital wing after games. 
Ringo collects pygmypuffs and has a collection at home well into the 100s. He brings many with him wherever he goes, and is never without some. He occasionally finds them in his laundry as well. Gryffindor Headmaster Joe Walsh rarely buying a new pigmypuffs to him.
Ringo has a best friend - George Harrison, which cheering him during Quidditch and usually walking with him and own girlfriend Barbara in "Three Brooms "
Ringo would also be lying if he said that he and certain Hufflepuff headgirl Barbara Bach didn't meeting and kiss eachother.
Favourite subjects:Charms , Astronomy
Patronus: Giant Octopus

Арт " битлы в Хогвартсе" Хогвартс, Арт, Длиннопост, Ринго Старр, Пол Маккартни, Джон Леннон, Джордж Харрисон, English version