
На Пикабу
Дата рождения: 05 апреля 2006
поставил 0 плюсов и 0 минусов
100 рейтинг 0 подписчиков 1 подписка 1 пост 0 в горячем

Level 1547 old forest road (Hazard class 6)

At first it looks like an ordinary forest road between villages, located on the territory of Russia.

You can only get to this level by car, it will be possible to understand this by the strange behavior of gadgets.

Constant rains have formed swamps around an already bad road, in which dangerous creatures live for people. There is no information about outposts and safe zones at this level.

The maximum level of danger acquires at night, because the whole entity becomes the most active. Do not get out of the car under any circumstances.

Level 1547 old forest road (Hazard class 6) Backrooms, Фэндом, Википедия, Закулисье
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