Толкин и насекомые

Толкин и насекомые Толкин, Изучаем английский

Dragon-moth по версии Hotpot.ai

Про загадку английских бабочек я писала, а вот каких собственных насекомых Толкин напридумывал в своей детской сказке про песика по имени Роверандом:

Roverandom didn’t often fly about in the air far from the tower; for in the moon, and especially on the white side, the insects are very large and fierce, and often so pale and so transparent and so silent that you hardly hear or see them coming. The moonbeams only shine and flutter, and Roverandom was not frightened of them; the big white dragon-moths with fiery eyes were much more alarming; and there were sword-flies, and glass-beetles with jaws like steel-traps, and pale unicornets with stings like spears, and fifty-seven varieties of spiders ready to eat anything they could catch. And worse than the insects were the shadowbats.

Кто переведет moonbeam, dragon-moth, sword-fly, glass-beetle, unicornet, shadowbat?