Children have no choiсe

Children have no choiсe
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My profession is IT, my passion is photography.

Photography was always important in my life. My father was an experienced hobby-photographer and founded at least two local photography-associations. So I grew up in an environment of cameras, magazines, lenses, selfmade camera-baggages, darkrooms and funny weddings. I wasn't very excited back then about those films and development processes. It was such a lot of fiddling in my eyes.

The importance of photography changed into joy when I held my first digital cam in my hands. The fire was sparked off and a long journey began, a journey through lots of camera systems, techniques, experiences and finally software products. February 2011, I decided to take a step across the border of plain photography. I entered the world of Photoshop. That was the best thing I ever did... now photography is a complete passion!

"I love bringing my fantasy to life with the help of my own images, Photoshop and 3D Software. Due to the fact that it's more an obsession than plain passion I call myself a photoholic."

переводится как - Дети не имеют выбора

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Ну как бы мне пофиг, это я тебе на очепятку намекал.

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