Баттл между Солдатом76 и Жнецом от JT Machinima

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Да, мне было чертовски нечего делать. Вот текст. Буду рада, если кто-то сможет перевести лучше, чем гугл-переводчик.


Before we started, I must apologize

I`m not a hero anymore so i`m not gonna be nice

i`m a soldier, who put the world on his shoulders

you`re just a ghost who can`t hold his composure

i`m older, but i`m get better with age

call this a eulogy, you`re getting sent to your grave

old dog, new tricks, my bite`s as bad as me bark

I can`t help kiking your ass, old habits die hard


i`ve been to the grave, i`ve alredy come back

but i`ll be at your funeral, and i`ll look good in black

i`ll be undertaking while you`re overwatching

trast me, i`m not the only dead man walking

I always got annoyed when you played boy scout

then you got destroyed, how`s unemployment now?

You were never a commander with an ass I would kiss

Speaking of which, 76, put your sights on this


I`m nit pounting fingers, I won`t say who betrayed us

but we`ve got a weak link, his name is Gabriel Reyes


it`s easy to make me a scapegoat for the blame

when you`re the head of overwatch taking all of the praise

on the blackwatch, my job was the hardest

you called yourself a hero, whil i`m hauling your garbage


I never pegged you as the whiny kind of guy

what you gonna do, Gabe? Cry, cry, cry?!


in with the old, out with the new

they don`t make `em like they used to

kids these days got it easy

try as hard as they want, they`re not gonna be me

justice and vengeance, in a epic standoff

you might call us old news, but don`t call me grandpa


Back in Switzerland, we both survived the blast

all you had to show for it was a minor scratch


but these scars go deeper, you see that reaper

the only reason I was leader was because you were weaker


i`ll feast on your soul like a wholesome snack

I have no moral code that will hold me back


i`m not with overwatch, I don`t roll like that

just goes to show, you don`t know Jack


death walks, with a couple of shotguns

you`d better run, when it blossoms


spraying and praying, you ant even aiming

my tactical visor is activating

I don`t see Mersy, better find a nurse

I know you`re into black magic, but i`m your curse


you`re a washed-up has-been, better get practice

lookin like a burnout with his letterman jacket


in with the old, out with the new

they don`t make `em like they used to

we`ve been fightin since the crisis

I got a lot of war stories for my kids

rainin shells, and puls grenades, everbody better get to shelter

hasn`t anyone told ya to respect your elders


you`ll reap what you sow, check your ego

and keep that mask on, you demon freakshow


you`re walking clishe. i`m a sleek bandito

say hasta la vista, mi amigo


i`m an army of one, punk get off of my lawn


i`m on the graveyard shift, and i`ll finish the job


Sorry, but it dosen`t count if you finish it badly

i`ll keep you in line, whu`s your daddy?

(появляется Фарра)

oh... this is... awkward.

(появляется Ана)


Oh, please i`ve never laughed harder

how could either one of you believe that Pharaa was your daughter?


so you`re telling us now


that it can`t be on of us?


I wouldn`t tell you two, even if she was

between your petty insults, rhymes that are boring

I can`t believe for once that i`m one snoring

you have the gall to call yourself grown man?

Ha! Just remember, mother knows best


in with the old, out with the new

they don`t make `em like they used to

kids these days got it easy

try as hard as they want, they`re not gonna be me

justice and vengeance, in a epic standoff

you might call us old news, but don`t call me grandma


an eye for an eye


you can`t bargain with death


It`s time to put this battle to rest

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Странно, что утопили, держи плюсиков!

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Наверное, это от того, что жанр на любителя :)

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Очень качественно ребятки сделали. Появление старушки Аны порадовало)

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Ну вот, теперь это спойлер :D

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Не любитель репа, но тут рили хорошо сделано же.

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Я тоже не то, чтобы фанат. Но сделано так, что отлично ложится на душу. Да и звучание тяжелое.