Наткнулась на дичайше драйвовую песню по мотивам Овервоча. Если у кого есть что-то подобное, поделитесь, пожалуйста :)

The justice we delivered,

Pointed out the triggers

Tasked with obsoletion, they interrogate,

But keep the noble faith,

'Cause when the doors reveal my onyx steel,

We charge at ultimate force.

Taking back the spotlight,

Readying the fight,

Defending our troops until the barriers break.

But terror's what we make!

Behold the mighty hammer that will knock down all

Who dare to take its course,

Protect the source of our Trojan horse.

And when the doom begins to crumble

Beneath our feet,

We stay marching to the beat

As we show you defeat!

'Cause we march!

The wrath of a titan will take it all back!

The armour of steel will keep us all from

Falling through with nothing to do!

We charge!

The wrath of a titan will prevent our fall!

The golden god will keep defences at all time high!

Let me hear your cry,

The wrath of a titan will rise!

Our strengths will be defended,

Battles never ending,

Questing for completion in this renegade,

We take it to the grave.

'Cause when we all reveal our tank of steel,

We charge at ultimate force.

Breaking down the walls and pushing back the load,

We start to lose hope the moment we fall back

So when we all attack

We hide behind the hammer that will knock down all,

Who dare to take its course!

We will proceed with our own deeds!

But when shit hits the fan,

It's time to be a man!

We reign!

We give them all our pain!

'Cause we march!

The wrath of a titan will take it all back!

The armour of steel will keep us all from

Falling through with nothing to do!

We charge!

The wrath of a titan will prevent our fall!

The golden god will keep defences at all time high!

Let me hear your cry,

The wrath of a titan will rise!

Dare you scratch my body up,

Dare you take me on,

Though your instincts'll take its course,

You chose wrong,

Now fight!

So in the end you try to break our foundations,

We have the power of a whole tank nation!

With a titan defence like this shield i choose,

We have nothing to lose!

'Cause we march!

The wrath of a titan will take it all back!

The armour of steel will keep us all from

Falling through with nothing to do!

We charge!

The wrath of a titan will prevent our fall!

The golden god will keep defences at all time high!

Let me hear your cry,

The wrath of a titan will rise!

Blizzard Community

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про жнеца эта песня, есть еще на диву и солдата вроде

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Tavern of Heroes в вк посмотри по ОВ. Этот клип там как 3 месяца уже)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vFgzd2ALGo и песенку в тему)

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Автор поста оценил этот комментарий

Вот еще нашла шикарнейший клипец. https://youtu.be/99dM8__wphY

Текст прилагается:

Danger! It's the Widowmaker, she handles more stiffs than an undertaker

D.Va, she can pilot a mech, but she can’t purchase alcohol legally yet

Genji, so kawaii sexy. Onitsuka, Ku, Ju and other Japanese words

Reinhardt, he’s a German knight, he’s got a massive hammer so think twice before a fight

Tracer! You know they say she's a clutz, but you've got to admit she's got a really nice bbaaaa

Bastion! He's a star attraction! A metallic contraption with a birdy companion

Reaper! Never misses a trick, but I heard on the grapevine he's got a really tiny little...

Winston! Stay out of the way this peanut butter loving monkey will ruin your day

The World Still Needs Heroes

You, Me and Overwatch

McCree! Do you feel lucky punk? He’s a gun toting six shooting badass hunk

Pharah! It's a bird or a plane? No, it’s a rocket launching jump jetting Egyptian dame

Mei, she looks really nice, but under the suit and smile she’s as cold as ice!

Torbjörn, he’s a Viking blacksmith, we thought he was a dwarf but turns turns out was a myth

Lucio, his last album was shit, but so is this song and we're not a bunch of hypocrites

Soldier: 76, he isn't that old, but he's still pretty old

Zarya! The definition of a tank, I often think about her when I'm having a private...

Hanzo! Oh no he’s aiming at you, Ryuu ga, waga teki wo kurau!

The World Still Needs Heroes

You, Me and Overwatch

The World Still Needs Heroes

You, Me and Overwatch

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у меня только вот такое есть, сорри)

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