We really care, Matt!

What you did really matters, Matt :)

There are hundreds of people from pikabu.ru who watched Philae land, work, and then go offline.

Of course, the ridiculous scandal with your shirt didn’t escape our attention either. And you know what?

Although everyone will always have their own opinion, we can all agree with this phrase:

“When pathetic people feel their absolute nothingness in comparison with something as tremendous as what this person did, and understand they will never do anything like it, instead of getting inspired by this person they start looking for some far-fetched filth. Once again I understand that people don’t care for such magnificent deeds when they get a chance to dig for dirt”.

We’re not the only ones who care; there are thousands others around the Earth :). We simply want to remind you that a word of support is always quieter than accusations of people who don’t want to see the point. Personal convictions and stupidity might stop some people from seeing what’s really important and drive them blindly and crazily self-righteous. Still, none of this matters when we’re talking about such serious results.

Your achievement is something to be really proud of. These accusations are something that really should be ignored.

"I really hope that 95% of the Earth population will remember this man as someone who landed the space probe on the comet and not as somebody who wore an “inappropriate” shirt."