OpenGL Headline News

Amazon has started shipping the 1st Edition of Vulkan Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning Vulkan.Р В  The guide is written by Graham Sellers, API lead on the Vulkan specification and John Kessenich, language lead on the Vulkan specification and Senior Compiler Architect at LunarG. The next generation of the OpenGL specification, Vulkan, has been redesigned from the ground up, giving applications direct control over GPU acceleration for unprecedented performance and predictability. Vulkan Programming Guide is the essential, authoritative reference to this new standard for experienced graphics programmers in all Vulkan environments.

OpenGL Headline News Vulkan, Opengl
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Spasibo,moi english zaebis' .

A voobshe nishtyak , s udovol'stviem po4itayu .Kak pa3 ceu4ac kovbIrayu ,directX,openGl , A TyT cpa3y IIo vulkanu documentation

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