Серия «Нейросеть Kandinsky»

Чугунная скульптура

Чугунная скульптура Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Цифровой рисунок

Prompt: filigree cast iron cyborg:1.2, Masterpiece, relief, swirl, splash, waves, close-up, openwork black with wavy metal swirl, fully transparent:1.2, covered in Celtic patterns:1.2

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Prompt: Nirvana

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Водопады Нейросеть Kandinsky, Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Цифровой рисунок

Prompt: Watercolor, from front to back a long wide high fault in the ground with a very wide deep river, on land above on the left side a high waterfall falling into the fault on the left side of the river, at the bottom of the fault a wild rocky river flows into the distance, the walls of the fault are very rocky, you can see large stones and small cliffs, as well as some caves With some plants growing in the rocks and hanging down, there is a beautiful elegant arched bridge over the rift from the land above, a paved road leads into the distance on both sides of the rift, the sun is setting in the background, beautiful sunset colors - orange, purple, lilac

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Prompt: Adagio of lotus swamp with horror and beauty


Мостик Нейросеть Kandinsky, Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Цифровой рисунок

Prompt: a painting of a bridge over a body of water, a watercolor painting by Yuko Shimizu, sōsaku hanga, ukiyo-e, detailed painting, watercolor

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Новогоднее поздравление

Новогоднее поздравление Нейросеть Kandinsky, Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир, Новый Год, Поздравление, Кот
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Под другим небом растут совсем другие... цветы?

Prompt: A 3D HR Intricate unique and beautiful bioluminescent Carnivorous plant, breathtaking borderland fantasycore artwork by Android Jones, Jean Baptiste monge, Alberto Seveso, Erin Hanson, Jeremy Mann. maximalist highly detailed and intricate professional_photography, a masterpiece, 8k resolution concept art, Artstation, triadic colors, Unreal Engine 5, cgsociety

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Ну что, потренировались? А теперь пора браться за дело всерьез.

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На закате дня

На закате дня Нейросеть Kandinsky, Нейронные сети, Арт, Арты нейросетей, Другой мир

Prompt: a view of a city from across a river, a matte painting by Konstantin Savitsky, pixabay contest winner, constructivism, photo taken with ektachrome, high dynamic range, photo taken with nikon d750

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